Friday, April 18, 2014

New Video! - Flat Twist Styling On My Fine Natural Hair | April 17th 2014

Hello again to my FINE Natural Sisters!! I've posted a new video! This video talks about helpful tips I've learned about styling my FINE natural hair with flat twists.


Watch this video below or click this link - Flat Twist Styling On My FINE Natural Hair

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our Beauty Is Endless!!!

I was in Walgreen's a couple weeks ago looking for scarves. There was an older lady in there looking for products for natural hair. I overheard her ask the sales associate what products would make her hair curl. The Hispanic salesclerk was clueless and turned to ask me if I knew what she was talking about. I turned around and what I saw was a unbelievable to say the least. Her hair was dried up and looked like she had taken a bunch of brown gel and gobbed it on her head. It wasn't rubbed into her hair but dried up on top of her hair. Then she asked me what was going to make her hair curly. I proceeded to tell her that nothing "makes" your hair curly and that we each have our own unique curl patterns. I further explained our hair needs moisture. I said all of that and she asks me, "but what will make it curl". Again I told her nothing will make it "curl" and I began to tell her about healthy hair products and finding what you hair likes and doesn't like. She then proceeds to blow me off because I wasn't telling her what she needed. When I pointed to some of the natural lines they had there such as Shea Moisture, she says, "And that will make my hair curl up?"

Is that where we are? Do we still think our hair is ugly because its not spirally straight. I'm not casting off on anyone since that WAS me not too long ago. Our hair is beautiful. MY hair is beautiful just the way that it is. I wish I could have imparted some words of wisdom to her to have faith in what she has. I know we've held these ideals for so long that everyone else is beautiful, but our beauty is so much more. Our skin color comes in a myriad of shades and others try and tan to get our color. Our hair is so versatile it can do almost anything. We can create a straight look, crinkly look, wavy look, spiral look. It really is endless.


New video coming soon!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When life gives you lemons, ROCK YOUR FRO!!!

Hello again my natural "Fine" sisters! Okay, maybe that's not quite how the old adage goes but you know what I meant - Make lemonade! It's a great life philosophy and certainly one to adopt when dealing with natural hair, especially "Fine" natural hair. There have been many days when hairstyles I've tried have been an absolute fail. Most naturals experience this some time in their journey, but if you're a fine-haired natural, it probably happens more than you'd like. 

Recently, I decided to do a twist out on my hair, even though it hasn't worked for me the last time I tried to achieve this style. Partly because I'm at the dreaded "awkward" length and partly because my fine hair doesn't have enough weight to hold the style. I woke up the next morning to find my hair wasn't quite what I wanted it to be, but admittedly it was more of the product I used than anything. I have a bit of a problem..... product junkyism -  that's another blog for another day. :) This particular time I retried a product that did not work for me the first time. I know, I know, that doesn't make any sense at all, but I was hoping it was more the amount of product I used instead of the product itself. I thought if I'd tweak the amount it would work this time. Needless to say it was an epic fail. The next night I went back to flat twist in hopes I would have success. Unfortunately, since I never washed out the other product and used a light leave-in on top, hairstyle two was also a FAIL.

The next night I was looking in the mirror trying out different styles such as a roll, tuck, and pin, large flat twists, but neither of those styles worked. In the midst of combing through my hair I noticed how full my hair looked in a picked out Afro state. I got my hand mirror and looked at the back of my hair and lo and behold IT WAS CUTE! My hair looked very full in the back I was in shock. I decided to try and rock that style so I took several ponytail holders, put my hair in ponytails, and braided each one to keep my hair in a stretched state.

The next morning I got up and picked each ponytail until it was a perfect fro.

Since the front of my hair is noticeably thinner, I rolled and tucked it, pinned up the sides of my hair, picked out the back a little more, and VIOLA!!!

This wasn't the style I was going for in the beginning but I forgot about the versatility of natural hair. Just because one style is a failure, so what, our hair has options! Sometimes playing with your hair a little allows you to find other styles that look just as good. This picture doesn't really do the style justice and unfortunately I did not get a picture of the front. Let me tell you sisters I rocked my fro with my pick in my back pocket fist up!!! I received a lot of compliments from my coworkers who are in awe daily of what our hair can do. So, how do you get over your hairstyle failures? Does it stop your day?

Until next time My FINE Curlies.......... muah!