Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Very First YouTube Video!!

Hey there my Fine-Haired Natural Sisters!! I've posted a video! My very first YouTube video! I am VERY proud of myself. In this video I introduce my channel and talk a little about some of the struggles that we Fine-Haired naturals have during our journey. Take a look and tell me what you think and if you'd like to see something in particular, let me know!! Thank you!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sooooo..... Where do I begin?!

I have been thinking for awhile that I may want to do this blog thing but I've been hesitant. Why you might ask? Because there are a gazillion natural hair blogs!! Okay that may be an exaggeration, but you get my point! However, I will say although there are numerous blogs out there, not many are dedicated to OUR hair - The Fine Haired Natural. (Thank you RavenPriestess for your inspiration). You know, those of us who don't have a million strands of hair per square inch on our head. Those of us who watch countless videos on YouTube only to find our hair won't EVER look like the hair on the video. BUT.... that's okay! Fine hair is just as viable, just as important, and just as beautiful as any other natural hair.

WNG with Eco Styler and KoilsByNature Shealoe Leave In
So come along with me on this journey. I'll be really honest I don't exactly know where I'm going, but I do know where I've been - Creamy Crack! and I'm never going back!  Hey!! That rhymes! :)

Until next time.....!